

286 amino acids

Protein family membership

Homologous superfamilies

  1. Homologous superfamily
1 50 100 150 200 250 286

Domains and repeats

None predicted.

Detailed signature matches

    1. SSF56219 (DNase I-like)
    1. PIRSF000988 (DNase_I)
Unintegrated signatures no IPR
Unintegrated signatures
  1. PTHR11371 (DEOXYRIB...)
  2. cd10283 (MnuA_DNase...)

Residue annotation

  1. putative Mg bindin...
  2. putative catalytic...
  3. putative active si...
  4. putative phosphate...
  5. putative DNA bindi...
  6. putative Mg bindin...

GO term prediction

Biological Process

GO:0006308 DNA catabolic process

Molecular Function

GO:0004536 deoxyribonuclease activity

Cellular Component

None predicted.

Generated with InterProScan 5.27-66.0