

641 amino acids

Protein family membership

Homologous superfamilies

  1. Homologous superfamily
1 100 200 300 400 500 641

Domains and repeats

Detailed signature matches

    1. SSF47323 (Anticodon...)
    1. SSF50249 (Nucleic a...)
    1. MF_01228 (Met_tRNA_...)
    1. PF09334 (tRNA-synt_1g)
    1. PR01041 (TRNASYNTHMET)
    2. cd00814 (MetRS_core)
    1. PF01588 (tRNA_bind)
    2. PS50886 (TRBD)
    1. cd02800 (tRNA_bind_...)
Unintegrated signatures no IPR
Unintegrated signatures
  1. PTHR43326 (FAMILY N...)
  2. PTHR43326:SF3 (SUBF...)
  3. SSF52374 (Nucleotid...)
  4. cd07957 (Anticodon_...)

Residue annotation

  1. active site cd00814
  2. HIGH motif cd00814
  3. KMSKS motif cd00814
  4. tRNA binding surfa...
  5. anticodon binding ...
  6. dimer interface cd...
  7. putative tRNA-bind...

GO term prediction

Biological Process

GO:0006418 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation
GO:0006431 methionyl-tRNA aminoacylation

Molecular Function

GO:0000049 tRNA binding
GO:0000166 nucleotide binding
GO:0004812 aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity
GO:0004825 methionine-tRNA ligase activity
GO:0005524 ATP binding

Cellular Component

GO:0005737 cytoplasm

Generated with InterProScan 5.27-66.0